reż|dir Alexander Nanau | RO, LU, DE | 2019 | 109 min
prod|pro Hanka Kastelicová, Bernard Michaux, Alexander Nanau, Bianca Oana scen|wr Alexander Nanau, Antoaneta Opris zdj|ph Alexander Nanau muz|mus Kyan Bayani mon|ed Dana Bunescu, George Cragg, Alexander Nanau ob|cast Liviu Iolu, Razvan Lutac, Mirela Neag, Camelia Roiu, Catalin Tolontan, Tedy Ursuleanu, Vlad Voiculescu dys|dis Cinephile
The largest street demonstrations in Romania after 1989 began with the fire at the Kolektyw nightclub. Many lives were lost as a result of the fire, although the extent of the burns, if treated properly, gave them a good chance of recovery. Patients could not be transported to hospitals in other cities and the health service – despite the declarations of the authorities – was not prepared to treat burns. A journalistic investigation revealed an incredible amount of abuse of power and corruption, at virtually every level of public service. “And all the whistleblowers in this story are women. They’re smarter and more reliable and live much more in the present. Men are living in the past. And these women, especially Dr. Camelia Roiu, the first whistleblower, have changed the course of history in Romania. Society has moved forward as a result of her.” Said Nanau.
2021 Academy Awards – nominated for Oscar for Best Documentary Feature
2021 BAFTA Awards – nominated for Film Award for Best Documentary
2021 LUX Audience Award – laureate
2014 Toto i jego siostry|Toto si surorile lui|Toto And His Sisters
2010 Świat według Iona B.|Lumea vãzutã de Ion B.|The World According to Ion B.
2006 Peter Zadek Inszeniert Peer Gynt