Gli anni piu belli
reż|dir Gabriele Muccino | IT | 2020 | 104 min
prod|pro Marco Belardi, Paolo Del Brocco, Raffaella Leone scen|wr Gabriele Muccino, Paolo Costella zdj|ph Eloi Molí muz|mus Nicola Piovani mon|ed Claudio Di Mauro ob|cast Pierfrancesco Favino, Micaela Ramazzotti, Kim Rossi Stuart, Claudio Santamaria, Nicoletta Romanoff, Emma Marrone dys|dis Aurora
The last forty years of Italy are sketched on a grand scale, focused through the characters of the four protagonists Giulio, Gemma, Paolo and Riccardo. The feelings they share, love and friendship, their dilemmas, hopes, successes and failures, we observe from the time they enter life to adulthood. The director tells a powerful story about where they come from, where they are going and what the future holds for their children. The cycle of life repeats regardless of political and social background with similar dynamics. In his latest film, Muccino puts a mirror in front of his Italian audience and encourages them to find the country’s recent history in the characters’ fates as well.
The film was obtained with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute.
2018 W domu wszystko dobrze|A casa tutti bene|There's No Place Like Home
2016 Nadeszło lato|L'estate addosso|Summertime
2015 Ojcowie i córki|Fathers & Daughters
2012 Trener bardzo osobisty|Playing for Keeps
2010 Całuj mnie jeszcze|Baciami ancora|Kiss Me Again
2008 Siedem dusz|Seven Pounds
2006 W pogoni za szczęściem|The Pursuit of Happyness
2003 Pamiętaj mnie|Ricordati di me|Remember Me
2001 Ostatni pocałunek|L'ultimo bacio|The Last Kiss
1999 Na zawsze ty|Come te nessuno mai|But Forever in My Mind
1998 Ecco fatto